Swinger in a sentence as a noun

Single, old men are charged more in swinger clubs.

It doesn't matter if you are a swinger, a gay, a ************, or straight.

A hammer swinger, rather than a home builder.

If your friend swings, and posts that on Facebook under her own name, your friend is a public swinger.

Oh, whoops, turns out there's your email inviting a friend to the swinger's club that happens to be on the same street as the restaurant you're going to lunch at.

"Till death do us part" and all that?You can moonlight as an employee, so at the very least you have to agree it's like a swinger/open marriage.

In retaliation, Treyvon's allies gather data on Zimmerman that indicates he's a bisexual and he's a swinger with his wife.

On the one hand I think the idea of, say, a swinger club is somewhat adorable, but in practice it's sometimes hard not to laugh about German sex culture with all of its curious stereotypes.

Even though the former clearly has more energy at a given point in time most of that is a one off build up, and there can't be any more repeatedly extractable energy in the big swinger than the small.

Using SCM is undeniably beneficial, but using it to become a "master programmer" seems a bit misguided, like becoming a master hammer swinger will make me a master finishing carpenter.

Swinger definitions


someone who swings sports implements


a person who engages freely in promiscuous sex

See also: tramp