Swift in a sentence as a noun

I almost hesitate to say it, but I did read the article hoping to find the average airspeed velocity of a slightly-laden European-African swift.

If you have, say, 5% women/minority/whatever speaking in the first year of your conference, that metric could act as a swift kick up the butt that you're not doing enough outreach, your CFP is poor, you're not promoting the CFP in a diverse way, etc.

Swift in a sentence as an adjective

It used to be report the person to be a "Communist" or "report that person to be an Anti-Communist".Unless there is public and swift punishment for the prosecutors or the "professionals" in the chain of people this has passed through, this will repeat again and again.

Swift definitions


United States meat-packer who began the use of refrigerated railroad cars (1839-1903)

See also: Swift


an English satirist born in Ireland (1667-1745)

See also: Swift


a small bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight


common western lizard; seen on logs or rocks

See also: blue-belly


moving very fast; "fleet of foot"; "the fleet scurrying of squirrels"; "a swift current"; "swift flight of an arrow"; "a swift runner"

See also: fleet