Sweetie in a sentence as a noun

And most likely to their executive's sweetie pies.

Try it: "I'm not going to edit your résumé, sweetie, because it's not a priority.

あなた could mean "you" or something like "dear/sweetie" depending on the context.

They are not analogous to "I will rape you in an alley" or "Don't leave your phone at home, sweetie.

"Sorry, sweetie, I have to work late again..."I still have controllers in my basement, just hoping to get pulled out.

For women, it matters that men can't walk around at a hackathon calling them "baby" and "sweetie" like it's a Mad Men episode.

Sometimes "I'm busy" is a way to say "I'm not going to edit your résumé, sweetie, because it's not a priority" without pissing off your SO.

Sweetie definitions


a person loved by another person

See also: sweetheart steady truelove