Sweet-talk in a sentence as a verb

" We got off the train, and I was able to sweet-talk the Amtrak lady into not charging us to turn around.

Everyone has friends, not everyone thinks it is professional to sweet-talk a founder on your friend's behalf.

Has several vulnerabilities some of which include sweet-talk and wearing a nice suit.

You can't sweet-talk a machine into accepting your algorithm because of your great personality , looks or any other intangible except for knowing what you're doing.

Did you sweet-talk the guy?I was renting a townhome in a community owned by a large rental agency that did both residential and short-term business rentals, fully furnished homes at a higher rate.

Sweet-talk definitions


influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering; "He palavered her into going along"

See also: wheedle cajole palaver blarney coax inveigle