Swashbuckling in a sentence as a noun

I thought of pioneering but it was too tame, swashbuckling but it was too far out.

So, where do you fit in this rigging, you swashbuckling scalawag?

That it’s descended from these swashbuckling, brightly attired, mercs.

Damn, with a name like that I was hoping for a game of self discovery as a young man quests to become a swashbuckling pirate.

Swashbuckling in a sentence as an adjective

A mix of swashbuckling adventure, science, alchemy, courtly romance, and politics.

I'd fork over a hundred bucks to have someone "confess" at my funeral about some really outlandish swashbuckling lifestyle just for laughs.

To be fair, many high-status male attire items have descended from swashbuckling, brightly attired, mercs.- clean-shaven, short-haired?

This is how I read it:> I'm increasingly coming to fear that languages with more safety-oriented features are[] associated with safer practices [not] because those features encourage safer design, [but] because they tend not to attract programmers with a swashbuckling attitude in the first place.

Swashbuckling definitions


flamboyantly reckless and boastful behavior


flamboyantly adventurous

See also: swaggering