Suspiciousness in a sentence as a noun

From the article - "And the suspiciousness wore off as the drug left the bloodstream.

"The whole point of steganography is to not raise suspiciousness in the first place.

Given the suspiciousness of the number, do you think FB is using a single byte for the counter?

Can you elaborate on the suspiciousness for a lay audience?

They must, or we will continually mire ourselves in grey areas of general suspiciousness.

Depending on the legal legwork, the "suspiciousness" of a given transaction, and other factors it's tough to say what they'd prefer.

I presume you'd consider suspiciousness when choosing your targets.

In terms of suspiciousness, this is like cats not chasing mice - it's just so far outside normal behavior that you just have to assume something else is in play.

Qihoo took advantage of years of accumulated branding as an authority on security to exploit the suspension of suspiciousness that arose when users were asked to install or make default its browser.

Snuggle also supports ideological critique and reflection by bringing visibility to the consequences of viewing newcomers through a lens of suspiciousness.

If I choose not to bring my phone with me to the border, and an agent remarks on the suspiciousness of that fact, if I were to reply, "I didn't bring it because I didn't want to travel with it," did you commit a crime?Even if you were arrested for that statement, dor a prosecutor to convince a jury that you didn't bring data with you because you didn't want it to be inspected at the border vs you didn't bring it because you didn't want it to get stolen/whatever does not seem likely, but that is just my opinion.

Suspiciousness definitions


being of a suspicious nature; "his suspiciousness destroyed his marriage"

See also: suspicion