Survival in a sentence as a noun

In survival mode, we will all lie, cheat or steal because our survival is at stake.

This, in India, is known as "jugaad".He missed the "jugaad" all around him - people, in their struggle for survival, do all sorts of things.

This is the primary reason why cancer survivors have 5Y and 10Y survival rates as opposed to, "You're cured".

It's about survival and once a company becomes your baby you will do anything to survive.

I learned a few interesting bits of trivia.--Seattle has the highest survival rate for heart stop events in the world at 56%.

Those buried have ~13 minutes before their chances of survival drop to essentially zero - help is not coming to save them.

There's nothing in modern medicine that teaches you how to prepare for death, or how to balance an extra 1% chance of survival with the pain of chemo.

Since this is a biological system, you're going to have some variation and some females are going to have a lower sperm survival rate than others.

Which means that people with a traumatic early childhood are much more sensitive to stimulus, feel threatened easily, and very quickly move into "survival mode".

I was there essentially through misplaced intellectual curiosity, while others were there because their lives were so bad out of jail that crime was actually a rational survival choice.

In most cases, even when success ensues, the startup will get squeezed on things like pricing and they will continually face the risk of termination of the arrangement, leaving them vulnerable if the company's survival is tied to that deal.

Survival definitions


a state of surviving; remaining alive

See also: endurance


a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment

See also: selection


something that survives