Surgery in a sentence as a noun

She had surgery to fix the PFO a couple months later.

How much does a gall bladder surgery cost?

So cheap it almost makes me feel like having heart surgery just to know I didn't miss out on a great offer.

It's also odd that the patients had to pay for the experimental surgery.

> But the biggest problem facing the 16 patients who had signed up for the surgery was that the lead doctor, William H. Dobelle, was ill.

I think the heart surgery analogy is excellent.

"One doctor eventually showed me a paper on outcomes for the lymph node surgery I had, with a relapse rate curve going out five years so.

I also saw someone held down by four guys, who performed **** surgery on him with a sharpened spoon to extract ***** he was hiding.

I would never, unless it were an extremely dire situation with no doctors, attempt any kind of surgery on someone.

Did I mention that the patient got a flesh-eating bacterial infection as a result of the surgery?

But every drug or device or surgery needs someone to be first, and a few brave risk takers could both benefit their own health and push humanity forward.

""If you know how to perform brain surgery, people are going to find you and they are going to figure out some way to give you whatever chicken they are producing and whatever the case may be.

He died while the 16th patient was still recovering from surgery in hospital.> The project ended with his death.> “When he died, there was no medical journal on the 16 patients, with myself being the first one implanted.

It was eventually revealed that the gallstones diagnosis had been made by the jail doctor approximately 16 months before his release, and that he had recommended a surgery be scheduled.

I have no idea if that applies to the state of the art of heart surgery in India.------------Among the many distressing things I saw in Nanded, one was the incredible numbers of patients with perforated ulcers.

The information about the disease came in pieces: first all I knew was that there was a lump; then came the ultrasound, the CT scan, then biopsy of the testicle, then a second surgery to sample lymph nodes to which the cancer might have spread.

Surgery definitions


the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures; "he is professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School"


a room where a doctor or dentist can be consulted; "he read the warning in the doctor's surgery"


a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; "great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic"


a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body; "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available"; "he died while undergoing surgery"

See also: operation