Supplication in a sentence as a noun

Apologise when there's no need to smells of supplication.

It is on the very cusp where liberation turns to supplication.

Wait, when you supply your data to vendors … do they own rights to that supplication, ergo the data?

The journalist simply will not ask tough questions and the atmosphere is one of utter groveling and supplication.

The attitude of supplication in the article diminishes with experience.

Instead it's a deep dreary slog of obsequiousness, obedience, busy work, group projects, supplication, and being seen but seldom heard.

In resolution, this could spawn into other plots like for a crime>, , or .I can then generate characters based off this.

Lower our arms from supplication and sink into the mud, I suppose?> By blaming the bad actors, you take heat off of Twitter,No see, I have enough incandescent bile that I can do both.

Surely the fundamental difference here is whether "the market" decides, giving you a fighting chance, or whether the Deity decides, with no recourse but supplication?

Or do you honestly think that if Reid is voted out or loses his leadership post for this kind of behavior, the next guy won't step up, hands out in supplication to the very same special interests?

Supplication definitions


a prayer asking God's help as part of a religious service

See also: invocation


a humble request for help from someone in authority

See also: plea


the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving); "the priest sank to his knees in prayer"

See also: prayer