Supplicate in a sentence as a verb

I was never in any way required to 'supplicate' my superiors.

How about an individual having backbone and integrity to stand firm, hold the line and not supplicate?I feel this, "Change it.

And about learning not to supplicate and do stupid ****, in order to try to manipulate women into having sex with you.

I've read so many of these holier-than-thou stories about how business founders need to supplicate before the technical guy.

IME, they've really hobbled the functionality of independent repair shops, making it necessary to supplicate to the Apple Store.

The response to that was no you must politely supplicate to the big popular service provider; after all that might work out... Then someone pointed out how unlikely to "work out" that really was.

"[...] in order to survive, we need to supplicate ourselves to horrible entities whose motivations we are literally not capable of understanding.

Maybe, but it could also be calculated: "If we don't apologize, the mob will cry for our blood even more, and we obviously can't do a non-apology apology, because they'd hate us for that too. Just be humble and supplicate to them so we can keep our IPO--I mean reputation intact.

It's essentially what you mean when you say StackOverflow "naturally encourages all the good behaviour".I have no idea what you mean by "supplicate before the right people to get a civil response".

Yet because the UK is currently pushing back against one such agglomeration of power, it will actually supplicate harder to a different power rather than simply acting as its own country!

When conditions are good, and there’s lots of social support, including help for sick people, old people, free medical care, and so on, then there’s no need to be religious, no need to supplicate a god for what your society can’t provide.

Hmmm... This domain name seems to be rooted in a mindset that the man has to be the one to "do stuff" to keep the girlfriend happy.... eg, that she's the prize, and if you don't supplicate to her as she demands, she will no longer favor you with her graces.

Imagine if some foreign body was determining who was guilty and innocent and we had no democratic say in the criteria used to make this determination?It leaves no choice for the target population but to live in fear and to supplicate to the US and hope for mercy.

The very idea that a huge, industrial scale, hard science in modern medicine, would willingly supplicate to acceptance of language so distorting, and liable to distort perception, remains beyond me, a assault on the senses I first gained benefit my first and earliest exposure to science as a discipline.

So the correct response is to supplicate before the guard, avoiding any visible signs of irritation, hurry, etc. It is generally preferable to put on the most benign facial expression one can muster to avoid threatening or annoying the guard, who has the power to waste several hours of your life on a whim, and can cause far more harm if he chooses.

Too proud to supplicate or seek explanation, he threw himself at once into a whirl of fashionable society, and in a fortnight from the time of the fatal letter was the accepted lover of the reigning belle of the season; and as soon as arrangements could be made, he became the husband of a fine figure, a pair of bright dark eyes, and a hundred thousand dollars; and, of course, everybody thought him a happy fellow.

Supplicate definitions


ask humbly (for something); "He supplicated the King for clemency"


make a humble, earnest petition; "supplicate for permission"


ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer; "supplicate God's blessing"