Supplementation in a sentence as a noun

With a little supplementation as well as good sleep, etc I'm about 10x as creative and have more energy.

But such supplementation should be based on detailed research of each of the strains taken, much of which does not even exist yet.

Warning, Long PostThere are a few things that you can do that are good for your mind before considering supplementation.

Well, before the FDA as such even existed, Banting and Best came up with the idea for insulin supplementation in 1921.

For years, study after study shows that most people are severely deficient in vitamin D and that supplementation helps.

The majority of their audience may not be aware that vegans would require B12 supplementation.

Yes most every vegan knows about B12 supplementation.

N-fixed crops will require less intensive nitrogen supplementation than before, but they will still perform poorly when competing against wild plants.

Almost all the studies used in the first meta-analysis, and all the studies in the second, were investigating the secondary preventative effects of Ω-3 supplementation on CVD.

Seriously, if you aren't getting enough omega 3 fatty acids, either from regularly eating lots of fatty fish or through supplementation, you're seriously missing out on some good stuff.

Don't take your vitamin advice from an economist, is what the headline should read...This article is seriously dangerous in planting the false ideas that vitamin D and other supplementation are not worthwhile.

Vitamin C hyperdosing and vitamin D supplementation are entirely different topics.

"Snyder is proposing this as the actual mechanism of Huntington's, and they have shown, in human tissue culture and in mouse models of the disease, that supplementation with extra cysteine can stop or reverse the cellular signs of the disease.

From the article summary:tamoxifen caused a dramatic regression of tumors in animals with either high nighttime levels of melatonin during complete darkness or those receiving melatonin supplementation during dim light at night exposure.

Supplementation definitions


a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency)

See also: supplement


the act of supplementing

See also: subjunction subjoining