Supplemental in a sentence as an adjective

That doesn't make this bad ideas, it just makes them ideas where supplemental systems can excel.

This would be supplemental to normal at-dealer-premises FFL checks.

This is what happens when you're flying too high without supplemental oxygen, and your body starts malfunctioning.

The arrows themselves seem to be much more the supplemental part of the system, to give a general idea where the next beacon's going to be.

In California, selling cannibas to a co-op you belong to as a patient could be a nice supplemental income.

First, he was often working with things that weren't indexed; even though his homework was from the textbook's supplemental materials.

Submitting banned supplemental material was less an indicator that someone was a creative thinker than that they'd read a book that said admissions stunts work.

It's even possible to compete with wholly free services and provide supplemental classes in mathematics that families pay for willingly and without compulsion.

If you're writing software being able to produce clear documentation, write-ups, and other supplemental materials is quite important.

Aside from the supplemental costs - "surgical complications increase the margin the hospital makes on the patient by 330 percent for the privately insured and 190 percent for Medicare patients.

Supplemental definitions


functioning in a supporting capacity; "the main library and its auxiliary branches"

See also: auxiliary subsidiary supplementary


added to complete or make up a deficiency; "produced supplementary volumes"

See also: supplementary