Supernova in a sentence as a noun

More so, it is about 1/8th too small to go supernova.

It says from space, but supernova, black hole, stars, aliens?

Gold is an element, and creating it requires a supernova.

This supernova will be very important for figuring out what Type Ia SNe are.

Wow computer science meets Greg Bear, I think I need to now go write a short story featuring a supernova powered super computer.

Much like how some dying stars go supernova, large dying companies often explode in a conflagration of litigation.

The iron released to the rest of the universe is formed from the decay of nickel and cobalt in the supernova explosion.

Because the fat imperialist says capitalism is the best we have to keep it for all time until our star goes supernova?

A typical supernova releases something like 1^051 ergs.

This supernova has been hyped lately but is not something a casual observer will find to be particularly exciting.

Neutrinos released in type II supernova explosions are thermal, so they should have a broad spectrum unless pretty much everything we think we know about SNe is wrong.

That's like saying making a star go supernova is a great way to generate energy for an advanced civilization — there are some huge leaps in logic in making sweeping assumptions of that scale.

A neutrino burst 4 years before a supernova... so what?Could a physicist clarify whether neutrinos could travel at different speeds in vacuum like any 'normal' particle, or are 'fixed speed' like photons.

One of the main ways we will be able to distinguish between these models is by observing what the supernova looks like long after the explosion since this is when the shock will be interacting with distant material.

Imagine all People on Earth would have a university degree, good all-around education and culture would explode with the beauty of a supernova way beyond even our wildest imaginations.

Short of a supernova or another event that heats the surface of the earth to hundreds of degrees Centigrade, everything from archaeic bacteria to tardigrades will survive any catastrophic event and eventually more complex life will evolve again.

Supernova definitions


a star that explodes and becomes extremely luminous in the process