Sump in a sentence as a noun

My sump pump had actually died, and I needed to replace it.

A sump-pump that sends an email when it detects water and/or runs.

Once the release "we couldn't miss" was done, I stayed home one day and put in my sump pump.

Our house has a nice basement with a great drainage system that keeps it dry - so long as the sump pump can run.

Actually, in recruiting you pay nothing until one lump sump when you hire someone.

It might be large sump value but the process of approval payment and user acceptance are way to long.

It is easy to be glib and say things like "cable being installed" but what about sump pump being busted and my basement being flooded?

My bet would be that using a two-stroke cycle allows the piston to stay lubricated without using a sump for oil.

Because the fuel is dispersed, and there are no high pressures to deal with, passive cooling of the decay heat in the molten fuel sump is greatly simplified.

Because of the land-line I was able to get my father-in-law to bring over a generator to power my sump-pump for the next day or so until our power was restored.

Unfortunately, within a couple hours of the storm hitting Manhattan's shores, the building's entire basement, which houses the building's fuel tank pumps and sump pumps, was completely filled with water and a few feet into the lobby.

As the world sees now, decay heat is the tiger in the room for reactor safety.-Brief Accident Scenario- If an accident occurs, and power is lost, the molten fuel drains back into a core sump vessel which then is cooled to deal with the decay heat.

Like, the foundation was recently rebuilt, or the property has a history of flooding and needs a sump-pump, so you might be looking at $20k in charges to put one in, or you can use it to negotiate down.- If you are selling, connecting you into the broker network to find a buyer.

Sump definitions


an oil reservoir in an internal combustion engine


a well or other hole in which water has collected


a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it

See also: cesspool cesspit sink