Summoning in a sentence as a noun

" Why don't we just accuse him of summoning demons while we're at it?

You can redeem yourself by washing your car and summoning the rain gods.

I doubt it would be solved by summoning the ambassador.

Flagging does push a post down the ranks; I've never heard of summoning a moderator.

Starting work when my Xbox was in the next room meant summoning a monumental amount of motivation.

And perhaps magic seems an odd thing to bring up here, but magic and fiction are deeply entangled, and you are all now present at a sance for the future. We are summoning it into the present.

"Taking a booking" is interpreted more broadly each day, so it includes summoning via apps.

There are obvious gimmicks Apple is likely to go for, like gesturing at your laptop to make it unlock or summoning Siri with a dance move.

You won't be able to do that just by playing land and summoning monsters, but if you have cards that say something like "put your graveyard at the bottom of yor library", you could get an infinite loop.

After summoning the elevator, if I enter and press the door close button, the door immediately starts to close--even if I have not selected a destination.

The judge essentially said that he was summoning them to court to explain how the business arrangement that they had set up and the suits they were filing was not an attempt to defraud the court and abuse the legal system.

My company creates a device the size of an iphone, and we've never left one in a bar, whether a stock production unit, or a super-secret, heavily-NDA'd, jackbooted-police-summoning prototype.

I'd be interested in seeing an argument explaining why these API calls smother puppies when the premise of the original article is that you can in fact offer them as an interface to the shiny new better way of doing things, without accidentally summoning cthulu.

Summoning definitions


calling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations

See also: evocation