Summarize in a sentence as a verb

From the abstracts and conclusions, I'll summarize a few main points that I got from this:1.

To summarize, Wall Street's saying "They couldn't possibly be that stupid.

Or to summarize it in a quote:"[Intelligence] is like being a lady: if you have to tell people you are, you aren't.

So, to summarize, we have a new standard with the name "Standard" in it without a formal grammar definition.

May I say how much I appreciate you linking to the actual document expounding the legal argument, instead of some blog post attempting to summarize it.

Most any page on most websites can be generated with just a small handful of queries if you know how to write them to properly filter, summarize and restructure the data.

I make no assertion about the accuracy of this abstract theory, but I can summarize reality in a much simpler way: many programmers work in businesses where software is a cost center.

They probably shouldn't. Instead, they should do what experts do best, and Wikipedia should do what encyclopedias do best: to wit, experts should conduct research to generate new primary sources or write books to generate new secondary sources, and Wikipedia should continue finding secondary sources to summarize.

Thousands of hours of billable time racked up and this process was maybe 10 or 15% done when I decided to do a very careful analysis of a relatively few key documents only, to put the story in a context that readily demonstrated the sham nature of the "delay damages report," to summarize everything in a 50-page write-up, and to give that to the partner in charge.

Summarize definitions


give a summary (of); "he summed up his results"; "I will now summarize"

See also: summarise resume


be a summary of; "The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper"

See also: summarise