Sugared in a sentence as an adjective

Sounds like a plug for sugared chewing gum.

"Do you want to sell sugared computers for the rest of your life?

No rice, no potatoes, no bread, no sugared soft drinks, no pasta.

It sugared good coding practices for the most part, and did little else.

Why would sugared destructuring not make sense in C#?

Pepsi says it's a lifestyle brand, but what does sugared water have to do with the way you live your life?

"You are the company that names your beta builds after candy, ice cream, and sugared cereals.

Dates back to at least the interaction between Jobs and Sculley to wit: "Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life?

Drinking a mix of these is quite a bit healthier for an adult than chugging juice or sugared drinks - unless you're explicilty trying to carb-load.

Processed, sugared, stripped of everything good and injected with everything bad.

I just dislike the particularly unusual syntax, since = is already there for symbol binding- since there isn't a de-sugared version of every language construct, I doubt macros are indeed that equivalent.

Functional languages are ones that do provide you assistance, such as the State monadic value, which contrary to popular belief is in fact fully stateless when the arguments to all the relevant functions are de-sugared and examined.

Sugared definitions


with sweetening added

See also: sweetened sweet sweet-flavored