Sugarcoat in a sentence as a verb

* The hotel is, let's not sugarcoat it, a blighted flophouse.

Unless he wants to hold them in his pocket as a fall-back, I can't see why he should sugarcoat his response.

Most Django users I know are well aware of its limitations and don't try to sugarcoat it if Django is not the right tool for the job.

Jobs are rarely all rainbows and butterflies so someone who is going to be honest with you about the good, bad and ugly up front is probably better than someone trying to sugarcoat up front with all the amazing stuff you'll be doing every day to "change the world and make people's lives better.

It does everything that we routinely see listed on this very site as Best Practices:- Respond to customer feedback in a friendly and highly transparent manner.- Don't sugarcoat things that "everyone knows but no one admits"; they could have avoided showing the graphic artist photoshopping the burger, but everyone knows that they use photoshop, so why bother?

Sugarcoat definitions


coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze

See also: glaze candy


cause to appear more pleasant or appealing; "The mayor did not sugarcoat the reality of the tax cuts"