Sufferer in a sentence as a noun

My cure is to shake a dried gourd over the cold sufferer until he gets better.

I beg of you, as a sometime depression sufferer, please go read up on this.

As a Crohn's sufferer, It's rare that I come to HN and see something so closely targeted to me!

Being a chronic depressed and chronic pain sufferer, I wonder how much problems like these contributed to him killing himself.

Is it a sufferer of seasonal affective disorder?

In much the same way a Tourettes sufferer cannot control their compulsion to say inappropriate things.

I'm sorry, but as a long-time sufferer, I feel compelled to disagree with this viewpoint wherever I see it, to represent people like me. I've been suicidal and depressed on and off for about 20 years.

As a sufferer of bowel problems for many years, I developed PoopLog for Android to track my bowel habits using the Bristol Stool Scale [1].

My father being an ET sufferer who has had a useless DBS device implanted that he now leaves disabled at all times, I concur with your assessment.

Tablets, like mobiles generally sufferer from planned obsolescence.

As a sufferer of various mental things, I feel like the suffering and problems can be real, and the diagnoses and explanations still carry a heavy ******** component.

I found with a little attention to detail I could set up the computer for the Alzheimer's sufferer so that she could figure out how to do what she needed to do without having to learn it.

This view, this dichotomy, is popular, insidious, infuriating to me as a sufferer, and very overgeneralized as far as I can tell.

As a long time sufferer of all of these things, I've found the illness model of depression to be very nearly useless, sometimes harmful, except during short-lived acute manifestations.

We can't stop the seasonal stomach flu because the stakes are low enough that we aren't handing out hand-sanitizer on every street corner and obsessively quarantining every gastroenteritis sufferer and every person with whom they ever interacted.

Sufferer definitions


a person suffering from an illness


one who suffers for the sake of principle

See also: martyr