Suddenly in a sentence as an adverb

Is this where we get to complain about how horrible Google Maps suddenly is?Because wow.

When these cameras make their way into regular phones, "worse is better" will suddenly become "better".

I was nodding along, when suddenly...> One alternative is to ignore iOS and OS X users.

Fortunately, I didnt need to go further because she suddenly changed my name & her story.

In that scenario a strong international condemnation of torture suddenly looks way more appealing.

If each bounce goes through a team with a 15-minute response time, it can be hours before the right team finally finds out, unless you build a lot of scaffolding and metrics and reporting.- every single one of your peer teams suddenly becomes a potential DOS attacker.

Since the ball motion, physics, and coordinates were all in floating point, and the ball is constantly being pushed "down" the sloped table by the gravity vector in every frame, we found that floating point error would gradually accumulate until the ball's position was suddenly on the other side of the barrier!

Why, when these leaders are allowed to lord it over us as they see fit, should they suddenly develop scruples in gathering information that only serves to enhance their power to do what we are already letting them do without so much as a peep of principled opposition?Privacy is in significant peril, and it is a serious loss when Groklaw goes down over this issue.

Suddenly definitions


happening unexpectedly; "suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side"


quickly and without warning; "he stopped suddenly"

See also: abruptly short dead


on impulse; without premeditation; "he decided to go to Chicago on the spur of the moment"; "he made up his mind suddenly"