Sucking in a sentence as a noun

Now quit sucking and start being awesome like me!

In the words of Jake, sucking at something is just the first step to being kinda good at something.

Google is hearing a huge sucking sound of money evaporating from Germany right now.

We could do that because we were adding customers like crazy, and customers sucking down high bandwidth were outliers.

Add into the mix that if they do have any fast food or services, more likely than not they're global franchises sucking even more money out of the town.

The soul-sucking jobs that had seemed so impenetrable were actually made of interesting little problems that were fun to solve.

I used to think Wall Street is very evil at sucking up the wealth of the rest of the country to line up the pockets of themselves while creating no real value.

They often work together, the gray sucking away every positive feeling and the black feeding everything negative.

'Doing work for money, especially when you have passions and interests in something bigger, is the most soul-sucking and demoralizing thing you can do.'You have lived a very sheltered life.

Anyone that's ever had to parse arbitrary data knows of the approximately 14 jiggityzillion corner cases involved when sucking in or outputting CSV/TAB delimited formats.

On the other hand, you don't really get what you pay for in the US either since the universities have become so good at sucking up more and more student loan money without really improving on their core mission of providing higher education.

But sometimes one is dominant, and if the gray beast gets its teeth all the way into you, it takes away not just positive feelings but everything until you're just a walking shell so empty you can't even fully comprehend what you've lost.> The converse, when the black beast has you, can be much like you describe - you can still feel a kind of dreadful, frenzied joy in short moments as you cling desperately to the edge of the sucking dark hole in yourself, trying to ignore the beast's whispers that any pleasure is a lie that will just make the coming pain more stark and inescapable and utterly deserved.> They're liars, but they're good at it.

Sucking definitions


the act of sucking

See also: suck suction