Successfulness in a sentence as a noun

I know that to be a sign of successfulness, but I have no idea what he does there.

A better predictor for successfulness is how successful your parents was.

There gotta be some kind of psychology or game theory that explains the successfulness of the [online] ad industry.

It would be interesting to try and link these numbers to some form of productivity / successfulness metric.

First, this argument is about the successfulness of the WordPress internal architecture.

If you were to look at some magical graph of the "successfulness" or "popularity" of stack overflow over time, the point where things "went wrong" would not be at the peak.

The negligible unit economics of software mean that the successfulness of Free Software should be derivable from those old theories.

What parameters do you use to measure the "successfulness" of a programming language?I like Python, but as an Android developer, well Java is still the obvious choice for me.

To react to other people's portrayed successfulness with doubting the legitimacy or their honesty and suspecting those people to be actually unhappy is almost as immature as getting depressed by it.

Society shouldn't "provide" happiness, but happiness dynamics can show successfulness of what society does.>its not clear at all how to measure happinessI don't think its significantly harder than measuring any other attribute.

Successfulness definitions


the condition of prospering; having good fortune

See also: prosperity