Subsidisation in a sentence as a noun

Negative income tax would be a blatant subsidisation of labour, which has it's own issues.

The US government subsidisation of Chinese e-commerce doesn't really make any sense.

There is simply no way to avoid that in the end, even with a slight detachment from the ads and cross subsidisation inside a corporation like Google.

It would eliminate a lot of the funding, but there would still be plenty of people willing to create things for free and other creators working on a patronage or cross-subsidisation model.

Thats just some of the subsidising, if it was just $10 to each new user they would have been fine, but there is subsidisation going on to ensure they remain cheaper than standard taxis, this is part of their draw.

It's not about bidding $600 for a $10 slot, it's about bidding $11 and then pointing out that their internal operator is still profitable after all sorts of internal cross subsidisation.

Facts can't be copyrighted, opinion is available for free, cross-subsidisation is no longer viable, and across the developed world the newspaper reading population is trending down.

Subsidisation definitions


money (or other benefits) obtained as a subsidy

See also: subsidization


the act of providing a subsidy

See also: grant subsidization