Subscribe in a sentence as a verb

I do not subscribe to Hulu for this reason.

If you emailed me those posts, I'd be hitting unsubscribe in half a day.

I do not subscribe to this HN meme that 'if you can hack it, you should enjoy the benefits.

Oh nice, now all my subscribe-and-save orders are canceled because my address has changed.

So far, I've improved the subscribe page [5] by adding testimonials and a better design.

With nearly a million subscribers, there are certainly people with bad experiences -- same is true with any service.

It is free with Prime membership and gives you further discounts if you subscribe to ordering baby stuff like formula, diapers etc.

As a consumer, I am not going to subscribe to a dozen different streaming video services, one per distributor who thinks they're too good to be aggregated.

Often seeing 10-15x the value of other channels [4].To get email subscribers add an opt-in form to each page on your site giving away an incentive related to the content.

"However, executives at Starz apparently concluded that they would lose even more money by giving consumers a reason to subscribe to Netflix instead of the cable channel.

However the comparison is that they're people who have chosen to subscribe to you, and therefore the pricing comparison is not to digital advertising, but to writing to fans on a website, or a blog, or through email newsletters.

Subscribe definitions


offer to buy, as of stocks and shares; "The broker subscribed 500 shares"


mark with one's signature; write one's name (on); "She signed the letter and sent it off"; "Please sign here"

See also: sign


adopt as a belief; "I subscribe to your view on abortion"

See also: support


pay (an amount of money) as a contribution to a charity or service, especially at regular intervals; "I pledged $10 a month to my favorite radio station"

See also: pledge


receive or obtain regularly; "We take the Times every day"

See also: take