Subliminal in a sentence as an adjective

There is subliminal messaging then there is marketing that slaps you in the face.

Wow this is like the next gen of subliminal advertisement and a clever one indeed.

This gives you subliminal hints for what things go together and triggers a marked increase in impulse buys.

I'm not sure that google would be thrilled about the words that ended up inside of their letters though... its like a subliminal message.

Just not for the sort of subliminal communication inferred in the article.

This subliminal association is what Apple is paying for, not pixels.

Don't know how you'd quantify this, but I imagine people have a subliminal response to the smile whether they know they see it or not.

With text, as opposed to images and videos, one has to be put extra effort into the subliminal, the meaning, the message.

It's the subliminal implications of gaming the system.

For the same reason, it's better to say "Remember" than "Don't forget", which is a kind of subliminal invitation to forget.

This is a subliminal instinct of humanbeing having the main goal is being powerful among other species.

For example, there must be a cameraman in the car on the trip, and he deliberately films the supposed subliminal cues.

So the subliminal cue presented by the formatting above is that there is a parallel assignment from the group of expressions on the right to the group of variables on the left.

Subliminal definitions


below the threshold of conscious perception