Sublimation in a sentence as a noun

Nylon fabrics simply melt when subjected to heat from the sublimation printing process.

That would seem much more probable than diamond and wouldn't have the sublimation problem of water ice in a vacuum.

What it amounts to is that there is so little CO2 in the air that sublimation into the air happens faster than any freezing out of the air.

The main detail these offer is multi-sided dye-sublimation and the ability to use a UV ribbon.

They're not "steaming devices" - they do not use steam but rather just hot air. they're called vaporizers, and what they do is cause sublimation of THC into a vapor, which is inhaled along with hot air. this eliminates the presence of tar, which is a byproduct of combustion.

Is sexual sublimation considered a valid psychological concept these days?

Firstly, there is a sublimation or sophistication of discrimination, which might be called cultivation.

Methane doesn't come from volcanoes, or from organic life; it comes from primordial deposits of hydrocarbons from the formation of the planet, released by heating of the deposits or sublimation, or whatnot.

Depending on how complete the sublimation is, there may be a boom and you, the plywood, and your drill may potentially get kicked back a meter or two in the worst case, but your plywood shield would likely spare you from any high-velocity plastic fragments that would cause you injury.

Mishima is unapologetically a fascist; much of the Japanese right was, some still even is.> A Japanese guy who killed himself in 1970 is a fascist?A Japanese guy who took over a government building to agitate for a sublimation of individuality and a return to an imperial ethnostate?Only through the group, I realised — through sharing the suffering of the group — could the body reach that height of existence that the individual alone could never attain.

Sublimation definitions


(chemistry) a change directly from the solid to the gaseous state without becoming liquid


(psychology) modifying the natural expression of an impulse or instinct (especially a sexual one) to one that is socially acceptable