Subconscious in a sentence as a noun

Job ads provide cues, conscious and subconscious, to the people reading them.

With a syntax highlighter your mind still has a hard time as there isn't enough of a difference to make a subconscious context switch easy.

I think the idea is that when kids are growing up, they make subconscious connections and observations about the world around them.

It's become a kind of signalling mechanism for my subconscious.

The other is the subtle, subconscious, but far more pervasive and damaging racism that us minorities have to deal with every day.

Subconscious in a sentence as an adjective

The bit about pushing money away because you subconsciously believe there's something wrong with having it was powerful and true for me.

Must be those fanboys, that pixie dust, that RDF..."Some sort of subconscious need to find superiority in consumer purchases and brand loyalty.

When women have come in to interview, I can't speak for others - but I know in the back of my head, my biggest concern is, "Make sure you interview with the same standards as anyone else, but make sure you don't have some subconscious bias because she's a she.

" The poor choice of global warming as a variable that points to a bigger theory has cost it heavily in PR because humans look at only the phrase instead of what it points to, it's still so bad that people's every day experiences, which they use to form a subconscious prior probability in global warming as a theory, contain "it's really hot all the time and everywhere I've been!

Subconscious definitions


psychic activity just below the level of awareness


just below the level of consciousness