Stroll in a sentence as a noun

Come take a stroll in my office; I work in a coporate bank.

Imagine taking a post-dinner stroll towards my car, and at some point you meet up.

Getting to Rabbit Island is not a stroll across an inland lake in a little boat.

Of course, the health hazards make this a crappy technique, and it would be healthier just to go out for a stroll.

Just start your company there, and when it becomes big, open an office in the US and stroll in like a boss.

You can stroll into a tunnel type car wash any day of the week and not have to worry about a thing.

The thought of being able to stroll over to the local market is very appealing to me.

After dinner they took a stroll down University Avenue, just the two of them.

Stroll in a sentence as a verb

Next time I pass one, I'll probably take a stroll around...I'll know whether they've gotten good again by whether I walk out empty handed or not.

It is crazy how different New York is today than how it used to be. Last year, My wife used to stroll all over Manhattan with our daughter, often late at night waiting for me to get out of work, without any worry at all.

You can drive from point A to point B in Braslia perhaps faster than any city in the world, but there is a severe tradeoff in how pleasant it is to stroll around the center.

Just saying "JFK did it" isn't an answer; I mean, why did JFK suddenly decide it was acceptable for a President of the United States to stroll around hatless?

Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, and stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.

Sometimes in the evenings I take a stroll into the village to see my friends, play the guitar, sing a few songsThe American businessman impatiently interrupted, Look, I have an MBA from Harvard, and I can help you to be more profitable.

He occasionally strolls down to the village in the evenings where he regales his fellow millionaires with the story of how he found an unexploited niche in the marketplace and then took full advantage of it to make the fortune that got him to the comfortable retirement he enjoys today.

Stroll definitions


a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)

See also: amble promenade saunter perambulation


walk leisurely and with no apparent aim

See also: saunter