Strictness in a sentence as a noun

4 in Haskell, when using seq to enforce strictness.

90% of the time neither matters, 5% of the time you need strictness, 5% of the time you need laziness.

I've worked on and with several of those teams, with varying levels of strictness, and guess what?

It's easier to add strictness to a lazy language than vice-versa.

Using strictness in haskell is very simple, and knowing when you need to is very easy to learn.

* Transactions, with options for trading off strictness and performance.

To give a specific example, strictness is a pain in the butt when you try to write a combinator library.

It can't matter which compiler you use or which optimization level / strictness settings you choose.

Many underestimate how the lack of strictness helped early users.

In other words, restricted side effects helps non-strictness, but non-strictness is not necessary to restrict side effects.

Lazyness can create pathological performance issues, just as strictness can.

Even then, the vast majority of us call APIs and include libraries with varying levels of strictness and freely fork existing repositories.

It is great to think through your decisions to their far-reaching impact, but be thankful that all of technology is not driven by that kind of strictness, or we'd never use anything new.

Haskell makes it very easy and lightweight to add strictness annotations to your data structures; far, far easier than it is to add laziness to a strict-by-default language.

Also strictness annotations can change this behavior.> They require programmers to think and program solely within Haskell's lambda calculus and lazy evaluation framework, which is neither the way people think nor the way computers doThis is not supportable.

However, relatively little commentary also highlights downsides like the need for accumulating parameters and strictness annotations just to achieve acceptable performance, or the maintenance hazards of having both monadic and non-monadic implementations of algorithms.

Strictness definitions


conscientious attention to rules and details

See also: stringency


uncompromising resolution

See also: sternness