Stretching in a sentence as a noun

Stories like this inspire me to keep stretching the boundary of what is possible and to keep creating...

I think we're responsible for stretching them, setting them off in new directions, and keeping fun in the house.

Scribes were reasonably well off, sure, but to call them an "exclusive, elite upper class" goes beyond stretching it.

Any bad from an organization like that will always be far worse than an attempt to get an emotional reaction to a cause by stretching the truth.

But to say he hasn't done any publicity to this point is stretching the truth - he's promoted it all over his Twitter, gone on Reddit, did an interview on NPR, etc.

[1]: One definition of hacker: "A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.

Macroeconomics can, via some stretching of the perfect-markets hypothesis, be transformed into this almost-Calvinist cosmology, where the virtuous labourers will be blessed with an eventual retirement, and the sinful free-loaders will be punished with the sin of contentment.

Regularly stretching your limits is important to teach yourself confidence in your ability to tackle something difficult * vicarious victory - relating to someones success story, finding inspiration in books, movies, inspirational speakers, joining a group of inspirational people * wish fulfillment - visualization of success and contrasting with where you are now.

Stretching definitions


act of expanding by lengthening or widening


exercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent

See also: stretch