Stratosphere in a sentence as a noun

This works even as you get all the way up into the stratosphere of a field.

If they insist on a specific number, the get one in the stratosphere.

Amazon is a hype machine, driven to keep their PE in the stratosphere.

People want to be able to buy a kit of everything they need to launch a balloon into the stratosphere.

The others did probably not survive the severely low temperature in the stratosphere.

In addition, bombs cause neutron activation in the environment and create a mushroom cloud that lifts fallout into the stratosphere.

Hes up in the stratosphere of what the human mind can do, above tragedy and strenuous thought, where you will find Bach, Mozart, Einstein, Feynman, and Louis Armstrong, in the realms of pure, creative playfulness.

Every time someone attempts to judge what other people work I think of this quote:It is only possible to succeed at second-rate pursuits -- like becoming a millionaire or a prime minister, winning a war, seducing beautiful women, flying through the stratosphere, or landing on the moon.

The initial radiation and heat wave is likely more intense because there's no ground to shield between you and the blast but, as someone else said, most radioactivity is from induced activity in ground material sucked up in the blast, so from that perspective air bursts are much less "dirty" as the fission products rise into the stratosphere and are dispersed in the winds.

Remember the Community Wiki feature?The site is absolutely littered with great resources on topics which a small number of the site's moderators have deemed too subjective to be of value but which the site's users have upvoted into the stratosphere or provided extremely useful, thoughtful answers which other users proceeded to upvote into the stratosphere.

Stratosphere definitions


the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere