Straddle in a sentence as a noun

I could drag a window so it straddled the 30Hz monitor and a 60Hz monitor.

I too was advised to straddle the options of medicine and engineering and did so.

Probably not weird since Scala tries to straddle 2-3 different worlds/paradigms.

And right now, though producing a port isn't monstrously hard, maintaining the resulting code across the 2/3 straddle is just no fun.

[1] I think this is where tech companies pay a price for having to awkwardly straddle the ideological divide.

Google seems to be trying to straddle the fence here, maintaining the appearances of OSS while not actually providing a development trunk.

Straddle in a sentence as a verb

I love foundation it really does straddle the difference between bootstrap and skeleton, light and flexible while being fairly full featured.

Rather than straddle the middle, I think I'd go with as high-level a language as I could get, coupled with a simple low-enough-level language to get whatever performance benefits I needed.

Most database engines of moderate sophistication straddle the "systems" and "application" line because they start directly managing system resources at a low level.

Cryptanalysis folks at NSA straddle both activities, necessarily.

Alas, the Kobe earthquake hit him!The beginning of the end occurred on 16 January 1995, when Leeson placed a short straddle in the Singapore and Tokyo stock exchanges, essentially betting that the Japanese stock market would not move significantly overnight.

If they have a sibling in college at the same time, even then they might get financial aid!Fourth, for middle-class families that straddle the line between "too rich for significant financial aid" and "too poor for parents/myself to easily pay," students should be aware of merit scholarships.

Straddle definitions


a noncommittal or equivocal position


a gymnastic exercise performed with a leg on either side of the parallel bars


the act of sitting or standing astride

See also: span


the option to buy or sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date; consists of an equal number of put and call options


sit or stand astride of


range or extend over; occupy a certain area; "The plants straddle the entire state"

See also: range


be noncommittal