Strabismus in a sentence as a noun

I have strabismus myself, and I only see with one eye.

I have strabismus and I can see 3d movies if it's the old kind with the red and blue tinted glasses.

Like the author of TFA, I was born with amblyopia, and have a mild strabismus.

I suffered from strabismus while an infant and got surgery at 5.

Just got surgery on my eyes to correct my strabismus.

My one reservation is whether long term use will lead to strabismus or extra eye strain...

I also have strabismus and have undergone some surgery, but I don't find that this helps much.

One way this can happen is due to strabismus, which is a condition in which one's eyes can't converge on the same gaze point.

I think it's a reference to Jean-Paul Sartre, who had strabismus-- not naming a real developer.

I had pretty severe strabismus at birth and also had muscle surgery shortly after.

It's always interesting for me to read others's experience with strabismus, though.

However, someone with strabismus can get surgery to correct the position of the eyes.

In fact, while strabismus affects 3d perception, i don't see how scrolling and reading are affected unless one has double vision.

I too had pretty bad strabismus when I was born and had an operation to correct it around 3yo, but have never been able to see in 3D, except for 3D movies where the effect is important.

Even before I was developing strabismus, I occasionally entertained the idea of using a head's up display, or a tablemount contraption to slowly realign the supressed eye over multiple sessions.

Easy to circumvent using an app which recognizes signs the phone owner might be sending with his face when the phone is put in front of him, just like if someone says something while blinking an eye. Ok, blinking eyes are easy to notice but I can for example dilate very easily my nostrils or fake strabismus, two gestures which would be next to unnoticeable to a human not paying close attention, but what about a vision algorithm "sniffing" the camera data flow and acting if one sign, all of them or both in a given order are performed?

Strabismus definitions


abnormal alignment of one or both eyes

See also: squint