Storm in a sentence as a noun

The closest call I ever had, the storm was 15 miles away.

I once was watching a storm that was cranking away about 10 miles off.

"If you are a CTO you should be asking this question: "How quickly can we recover from a perfect storm?

Mostly he's a train nut and that scratched that itch but its great for bringing stuff in before storm season sets in.+1 on the local visitation.

People on sites like this ***** up a storm all the time about subsidies to various businesses but somehow this one gets a pass.

Storm in a sentence as a verb

Yes, claims hurt an insurance company, but right after the storm is also when everyone calls up and upgrades their policies.

I guess 2 years is long enough for most people to have forgotten the brief storm about his homophobic political activities.

"That's a perfect storm scenario right there, because now he thinks that he does have the extra range and that braking is good for the car and that the car is simply misreporting what it can do. Confirming this, he makes it to the Milford supercharge with less than 0 miles of range, and charges it back up again to 185 miles.

It sounds from the story that the thing they're most upset about is missing an opportunity to lock down the whole airport while they dressed up as storm troopers and traipsed about in their armored doohickeys pretending to save the world.

The 100-year-storm of destruction that we, as Player 1, unleash upon the poor Liberty City automotive world would probably make any insurance company run screaming and crying in the opposite direction of profitability.

Storm definitions


a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning


a violent commotion or disturbance; "the storms that had characterized their relationship had died away"; "it was only a tempest in a teapot"

See also: tempest


a direct and violent assault on a stronghold


behave violently, as if in state of a great anger

See also: ramp rage


take by force; "Storm the fort"

See also: force


rain, hail, or snow hard and be very windy, often with thunder or lightning; "If it storms, we'll need shelter"


blow hard; "It was storming all night"


attack by storm; attack suddenly

See also: surprise