Starchy in a sentence as an adjective

All the fruits and non starchy vegetables you can eat3.

High-fat paleo diets avoid starchy/carby foods like chips fyi.

Vegetarians I know eat tons of starchy foods.

If you allow "plants", then yes- starchy staples, nuts, fruits all have you covered on calories.

Ah, the starchy HN argument style, lacking only a demand that I provide citations.

Most low/no carb diets say to stay away from nuts in general because they are generally starchy and have hidden carbs.

Your body has become insulin resistant because you ate too much sugary/starchy stuff.

I'd estimate it as 60% protein/20% fat/20% carbs. The veggies add relatively few carbs. The only thing it's really "missing" is starchy carbs.

I'm just wondering if that's a common term or if bread is interchangeable with potato, pasta or some other starchy food that fills you up.

I'd rather they swear away and have a personality than be a starchy, try-not-to-offend-anyone bland corporate drone.

The human digestive system evolved over millions of years, and there is not much that is known with certainty about the human diet over that span of time - however, it is known that humans have a better ability to process starchy foods than other primates.

Starchy definitions


consisting of or containing starch; "starchy foods"


rigidly formal; "a starchy manner"; "the letter was stiff and formal"; "his prose has a buckram quality"

See also: stiff buckram