Stanza in a sentence as a noun

In the first stanza, each verse starts with aleph, in the second beth, and so on.

I read the first stanza over and over again trying to figure it out: "Wait, who does he mean here?

Psalm 119 has 22 stanzas, with the first letter of each sentence of the stanza being with the same letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

If s are not recursive and poems cannot contain s outside s, can also be omitted.

"And then, just for a second, I stopped paying attention to the grammar and started paying attention to the words, and I realized that very stanza was mocking me for what I was doing.

Poetry: uses line breaks to create tension within individual sentences using enjambment, creates a visual structure that helps guide the reader from line to line, stanza to stanza.

The problem that I'm trying to solve is I follow multiple files using 'find /var/log -type f -mtime -1 | xargs tail -F' while I'm troubleshooting something, and then need to re-assemble them into one stanza per file rather than the sequential output from tail.

No more stanza files, apache-config, .properties files, XML configuration files, Makefiles — all those lame, crappy, half-language creatures that you wish were executable, or at least loaded directly into your program without specialized processing.

Stanza definitions


a fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit of a poem