Standpoint in a sentence as a noun

I get you're protective of your art, but this doesn't really make sense from a business standpoint, and their response has been less than convincing.

He handed over the cert to the FBI, so from a security standpoint it's useless now and should be considered compromised.

Should Reddit be liable for damages under California law, and should the subreddit be banned even though there are far worse subreddits, both from a moral and legal standpoint?

What does Cappunico have to offer from the standpoint of determinism and reproducibility?

From an interpersonal standpoint, they are noted to be harsh, hostile, manipulative, lacking in empathy, cold-hearted, and abrasive to those they deem to be their inferiors.

The negotiator accepted the offer, notified PayPal and was confronted about how this step was seriously problematic from a legal standpoint.

Maybe from their standpoint it would be more beneficial to google users who are used to typing in 'hacker news' to visit this site, but since when did that matter to google?Also don't get me wrong I love both google and hackernews.

Asking the mainstream media not to cover something like this is completely indefensible from a security standpoint - what, terrorists only learn about security flaws from TV?.

Sure, from a strictly legal standpoint, it isn't censorship or a constitutional issue, but at the same time, the "anything goes" attitude in places like 4chan and reddit allow for a lot of creative gems and interesting discussion.

The reason it is not a particularly exciting case from a headline standpoint is that it deals with what appears to be a specialist technical issue of patent law, that is, what is the proper "standard of proof" to be applied when a patent is challenged as being invalid?

Standpoint definitions


a mental position from which things are viewed; "we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians"; "teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events"

See also: viewpoint stand