Stanchion in a sentence as a noun

Yes getting in and out of a stanchion is a scary experience for the cow and human both!

It is clear in the video you need a runwayHe said it could take off from a football field and clear the stanchions.

Likewise with a concrete stanchion that keeps getting closer and closer?

Before it can, ground crews run up and put wingtip stanchions with wheels on them under the wingtips to complete the landing gear so it can taxi.

Instead they have disabled escalators that the line snakes down or a ton of stanchions forming waiting areas down side hallways and such.

A local accounting firm stood behind a homemade barricade of stanchions and detachable flaps rigged to keep the water out.

When the Giants parade happened, the line was out the station, snaked through a ton of stanchions, and then stretched more than a block down the road.- rarely, I've seen passengers denied boarding due to load; but I see this much more regularly with bikers.

Stanchion definitions


any vertical post or rod used as a support