Stanch in a sentence as a verb

How is Zuckerberg going to stanch the bleeding?

Huh, never saw that spelling of "stanch" before; always thought it was "staunch".

I'm a stanch advocate of animal welfare and rights.

If Mark detected developer sentiment shifting, he can move just as fast as he wants to stanch the bleeding.

Im not the only one covered in bandaids trying to stanch the bleeding and focus on programming because its a thing that I love.

"another worried about the ability of managers to stanch the flow of valued employees.

> Neither Sweden nor Norway has plans to stanch the flow of newcomersThis is just ridiculously wrong, and taints the journalistic integrity of the piece.

I'm already very happy that you replied, because just as I believe you're a stanch proponent of your RPC framework and believe in it, I believe in my gut feeling when it comes to software — and my gut is telling me the above about your marketing message.

However, there is already a competitive market for robotic lawn mowers using wire loops [buried edge wire], which has somehow failed to stanch the stream of ghastly accidents and spilt gasoline that iRobot associates with the mundane practice of lawn-mowing.”"

Stanch definitions


stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide"

See also: stem staunch halt