Stammer in a sentence as a noun

They'll think of all sorts of reasons why they shouldn't hire you due to your stammer.

Question: can the stammer be fixed, or at least improved?

I have a stammer - often very severe.

For someone with a stammer, there's no such quick fix and it might very well be permanent.

| | | | I have a stammer, but we should | | not let that interfere with our | | conversation.

"the intellectual stammer signals a brain that is moving so fast that the mouth can't keep up.

At least this way they remember him as the programmer with a stammer who was brave and addressed it up front.

I actually talked to a friend and showed him the app who was receiving speech therapy for his stammer.

- When you start speaking with an employer, mention your stammer before the interview so they know what to expect.

They're likely to remember him as the programmer with a stammer anyway, aren't they?

Mumble, sweat, stammer, dart your eyes around but never actually say anything bad.

Stammer in a sentence as a verb

Legitimately, no one can or should refuse to hire you or give you a raise for the quality of your work due to the stammer.

Your stammering problem must bleed into the rest of your life too. Sorry if this is a question you've heard a billion times already, but have you done any research about how to get rid of it?

Does anybody know if Elon has a minor speech impediment; stammer or stutter?

Are they able to arrive at solutions?Your stammer is an opportunity to show that you know how to work your way through a challenge.

This could be a life-long process but if your stammer is getting in the way of your career it is worth practicing on improving it every day.

Not so much that anyone would can about your stutter or stammer, but more about the frustration with yourself that you can't properly communicate your idea.

These are the strengths that matter!Also, use this characteristic as a strength, in interviews introduce yourself "Hi, I am ____ - because I stammer, by web work is the best you'll find".

From first communications HR may remember him as the programmer with a stammer, and will have some time to give the condition undeserved attention.

While his speech never became 100% normal, the stammer was greatly reduced and by the end of it, he was even able to give presentations to a room full of engineers and managers.

A prominent TV personality here in the states named John Stossel confessed to growing up with a stammer that he still slightly has and talked about how he was able to rid himself of it.

I think that's what he's been practically doing all his life, or since whenever the stammer started... Of course professional help may improve some, so if he doesn't have that already he could apply for it, but it's not as easy as "practicing not to stammer".

Stammer definitions


a speech disorder involving hesitations and involuntary repetitions of certain sounds

See also: stutter


speak haltingly; "The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room"

See also: bumble stutter falter