Stalling in a sentence as a noun

For instance, it can say, "decrease your angle of attack or you will stall in 5 seconds", then "4", "3" "2" "1", "stalling".

The focus tends to be on giving the user just enough and then stalling until they spend more money.

So any kind of defence is fair game, including stalling, misdirection and so on.

"Co-pilot Bonin, who had been pulling back & stalling the plane during the crisis: "But what's happening?

It's just your day, sometimes going forward, something stalling, sometimes going backwards, like a little toy boat whirling along in a stream.

Modern CPU pipelines have backward propagation that can resolve RAW hazards without stalling the pipeline.

Then it becomes a matter of managing your energy, if you want to keep altitude you are going to end stalling, and if you want to keep speed youll descend too soon and too fast.

I don't understand what the aerodynamic advantages of a "boxwing" are, but apparently this has those while avoiding problems with stalling.

I meanwhile went to two more google interviews over the phone, and had been stalling on accepting the other job offer, because the prospect of working at google, was exciting.

*****'s advocate here: The idea that godaddy appears to be intentionally stalling transfers is pure speculation.

Frances Oldham Kelsey was practically solely responsible for stalling the drug until sufficient evidence of birth defects emerged to reject it.

Between mobile pressing us on one end and desktop speed advancement stalling out on the other, there's increasing motivation to write faster code where it matters, without necessarily having to use C or C++.I'm not saying paradise is incoming, but I get the impression that we're seeing more care about performance manifesting in real languages and code than we used to.

Stalling definitions


a tactic used to mislead or delay

See also: stall