Stale in a sentence as a verb

And not "whew, that bread is really ripe, throw it out" stale.

The parent comment, as well as most of yours, are stale and boring.

Old, offline porn is different in that it gets stale pretty quickly.

If you add the "max-stale" header to your content you can tell your CDN to hold on to things longer in the event of an outage.

The rest of the writing has become incredibly self-referential and stale.

Some people love this work, they can stay useful and "in the game", but some hate it because it comes with the cachet of being stale and not keeping up with the times.

Stale in a sentence as an adjective

Note the final price is only determined when you hit a booking page, everything before that is cached and might be fairly stale.

This would lead to...2a. Either moderators endorsing multiple such comments, due to race conditions and stale views during moderation, or2b.

The autogenerated pages are also less useful to someone landing on a page because the pages quickly get stale: prices change, things go in/out of stock, etc.

Digg engineering already fled, the peanut gallery in the valley keeps squawking with delight about your failure, and all you have left is some nicely designed pages showing double digit gains on stale links that's a shade away from being as if they were spun up by a Russian spam squad.

"We gave him free room and board for 17 years, then laid him on a comfortable bed and gave him some medicine to make him fall asleep for a while".vs."We kept him caged in a tiny, windowless cell and gave him just enough stale bread and dirty water to keep him alive for 17 years, then we executed him.

Stale definitions


urinate, of cattle and horses


lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age; "stale bread"; "the beer was stale"


lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new; "moth-eaten theories about race"; "stale news"

See also: cold dusty moth-eaten