Staining in a sentence as a noun

Did she get arrested for staining the street with her blood?

It's almost as good as EtBr for staining, but not toxic.

That's not what they want to see.. they want shaping and staining wood, free boards and wires, etc.

There's no specific details of how they're staining.

Freshly cut grass has the greatest staining ability.

Noting that they could see the defective structures because they were staining them yellow, they used their yellow stain.

I felt the endorphins rushing through my body, the gob of chicken skin wandering down my esophagus, the juices staining my chin.

Presuming they have compromised the machine this staining will be affecting the network stack somehow most likely at an IP level.

Maybe you're actually a carpenter in a world obsessed with gizmos and you'd be better off spending the majority of your days planing and staining wood.

Yeah, staining the concrete slab and exposing the brick wall and using the metal pan and joists of the floor above as the ceiling and hauling in oak library tables as desks, just echos "lookie here, we're rebellious and unconventional.

In this case, it seems like those in charge of furnishing the office were more hung up on the novelty of a door desk than any possible cost savings, so they spent way too much time doing things like staining and varnishing, etc. when they could've just bought proper looking desks in the first place.

The problem is the need of differential staining: due to fundamental physical limits, no amount of machine learning can ever distinguish key hematocytes like lymphocytes from granulocytes in raw, unstained samples from microphotographs alone.

Especially the part with reverse engineering the coprocessors inside some of the cartridges:> LLE is also a very expensive operation, monetarily speaking: to obtain the DSP program code requires melting the integrated circuit with nitric acid, scanning in the surface of a chip with an electron microscope, and then either staining and manually reading out or physically altering and monitoring the traces to extract the program and data ROMs.

Staining definitions


(histology) the use of a dye to color specimens for microscopic study


the act of spotting or staining something

See also: spotting maculation