Stagnancy in a sentence as a noun

That's a recipe for stagnancy be it from MS or an open source stack.

I think mobile phones are seeing the same sort of stagnancy as PCs/laptops did a few years back.

Yeah but Mons was the opening weeks of the war before the entrenchment and stagnancy on both sides.

They were using twitpic, seemingly out of stagnancy in not changing services.

However, the comfort working with it is the feeling of stagnancy in personal growth.

I'd seriously consider using this, just because of the stagnancy of jQuery UI.

We're hardly so stagnant that a single technological breakthrough is unheard of in the last 50 years and signals an end of stagnancy.

Can you imagine eternal stagnancy as a disembodied human soul?

Competition is a win-win situation for consumers, and a lack of competition only encourages stagnancy, which is one of the greatest evils of the creative world.

That standard could radically shift in the future and I'd also say that it's government policy or stagnancy that enables the context in which workplace democracy has declined.

Clearly the current regulations aren't working, but the only two players in the game support either near-total deregulation, or complete stagnancy.

Tesla vehicles are the safest ever made - I'd say allow Tesla to innovate away from whatever stagnancy the status quo auto manufacturers have allowed.

Similrly, despite the stagnancy of human driving skill, I anticipate safety will improve with human drivers for non-skill-related reasons -- specifically, driver assistance technology, and a shift towards just getting a Lyft if you're impaired.

That's to say, there's a line an individual must determine of when there is healing benefit from the practices vs. when they are addicted or have become dependant on them - dependant to clear energy and get relief from blocks/energy stagnancy that a psychedelic will only temporarily clear or let flow - when instead different work or practices are required.

Stagnancy definitions


inactivity of liquids; being stagnant; standing still; without current or circulation

See also: stagnation


a state of inactivity (in business or art etc); "economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic stagnation"

See also: stagnation doldrums