Stagecoach in a sentence as a noun

Now I want to build a carbon fiber stagecoach.

Reminds me of Dracula, and the stagecoach trip through the Carpathians

The stagecoach boards simply stand in little slots cut into the plexi case, so you just unplug the power + ethernet to pull out the board.

I was late for the last meeting because the wheels to my stagecoach didn't fit in the ruts in the road and my horse tripped over a manhole cover.

When my grandfather was born, his father's business was a horse changing station for the Madrid-Bilbao stagecoach.

1914 headline: Georgia stagecoach dealers want Ford factory shuttered for selling too many automobiles

Maybe I'm misstating this and I'm just going to **** away what few points I have less, but hasn't business always been this way?Railroads killed the stagecoach, the lightbulb killed gas lamps, Craigslist killed the newspapers.

Wow - 9x11mm YAG laser as a spark plug to reduce emissions and increase performance - sounds cool, but I can't help but think that this is like building a carbon fiber stagecoach: cool improvement to what should be a dying technology.

"Returning to our world, a tenured university position could provide stability, while a contractual appointment to teach Linear Algebra I & II might end next year - and a journey by stagecoach to the next temporary appointment.

Stagecoach definitions


a large coach-and-four formerly used to carry passengers and mail on regular routes between towns; "we went out of town together by stage about ten or twelve miles"

See also: stage