Squinty in a sentence as an adjective

face>This sound an awful lot like insurance. face>

"Strings" gets a squinty eye. "executing against strings" and you've lost me.

12px Verdana measures 'squinty' on a high-rez display, like that of a new MacBook Air.

Sure, things are a little squinty but I never felt the need to zoom the UI. I also never felt like things were too pixelated.

We locked americans in camos for having squinty eyes.

Pretending to be a squinty little LCD panel, for example, when we have infinite pixels is just plain stupid.

In years past something like this in an interview would've rattled me. But now that I've been in this biz for 30+ years I think I'd just stand up, look the guy in the eye in a really squinty way and say, "Well, then I think we're done here kid" and walked out.

CS is -- if you look at it with squinty eyes -- a kind of applied mathematics; one in which you get to play with both idealized and real-world computers.

I know mistakes happen, I often defend screw-ups, but anything in a shell script that has an "rm" command should automatically get the squinty eyes.

I think I'm 10 years behind you and I've definitely found myself bumping the font size in Emacs and generally avoiding many squinty apps without really thinking about it.

I have a back of the mind low grade worry that some insecure squinty eyed troll at work IT is going to accuse me of vague and scary things if anyone ever notices "Hacker News" has been coming through the fire wall to me.

Not so much because of some peculiar esteem I'd have for said regimes, but because I'm kind of fed up by squinty libertarians and source-code rioters telling us what software and IT are and what they should be used for.

"I personally support the use of IT as a means of oppression ... because I'm kind of fed up by squinty libertarians and source-code rioters telling us what software and IT are and what they should be used for"Fortunately for the rest us of, children aren't allowed to vote, so maybe by the time you've grown up you'll have grown out of your tantrum and you won't approve of screwing everybody over because you're annoyed at a handful of people.

Squinty definitions


characterized by squinting; "he looked with squinty eyes"


(used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy; "her eyes with their misted askance look"- Elizabeth Bowen; "sidelong glances"

See also: askance askant asquint squint squint-eyed sidelong