Sputter in a sentence as a noun

And with Series A being tougher to raise, that startup will die die or sputter along for a while.

They sputter and generally sound like **** until a crew member hits a switch.

Instead, they sputter and freeze, and most frustratingly often seem to get stuck at around 95%.

I mean, I know why it would cause a few of my professors to sputter, but their rationale for that isn't persuasive.

But it seems like a good portion of the country has fairly lousy internet, which makes videos sputter or stop.

Seems like such an intersection would be one seized brake line or one engine sputter away from massive fiery death.

Sputter in a sentence as a verb

This is why Pinboard will thrive and profit while Delicious continues to sputter.

Codebases evolve in many ways: They advance by leaps and bounds, they stagnate, they regress, they sputter along, they bloat--often all at the same time.

It's difficult to sputter a uniform phosphor coating or remove a sensor window without specialized equipment.

Note also that the bio was coherent and competently structured, whereas in his videos he's barely able to sputter out a normal-sounding sentence.

Can we discuss the deteriorating situation in the US like adults and not sputter out epithets like "fascist regime"?Have a look at what's happening in Syria to see what a real dictatorship is like.

Can we discuss the deteriorating situation in the US like adults and not sputter out epithets like "fascist regime"?Discussing US politics "as adults" means being willing to accept and confront difficult truths... such as the fact that our system is drifting precariously close to what can be best described as "fascist.

Sputter definitions


the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively; "he heard a spatter of gunfire"

See also: spatter spattering splatter splattering splutter sputtering


an utterance (of words) with spitting sounds (as in rage)

See also: splutter


make an explosive sound; "sputtering engines"


cause to undergo a process in which atoms are removed; "The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust"


climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

See also: clamber scramble shin shinny skin struggle


utter with a spitting sound, as if in a rage

See also: splutter


spit up in an explosive manner

See also: splutter