Spunk in a sentence as a noun

I think quoting the offensive line shows spunk.

He left for the summer and my dog is back on my supplement program; I think she's got her spunk back.

Blasting our collective spunk on far off junk just seems like narcissism.

Needs more summarizing to tell you what you're seeing and why it's the solution to your problems.- The design could use some spunk.

$8mn is a serious commitment and they don't invest that kind of money unless they see some real spunk in the idea and the team.

With all the spirit, spunk, and can-do sophistication of the pioneers in our community ... WHY?

Not everyone can be Bill Gates and moreover, not every field can so easily cast aside a formal education in favour of "spunk and effort".

This sounds like something you only see in movies: Billionaire hedge fund manager signs over really valuable asset to persistent little whipper-snapper then utters some clich phrase like "You've got spunk, kid!".

Spunk definitions


material for starting a fire

See also: kindling tinder touchwood punk


the courage to carry on; "he kept fighting on pure spunk"; "you haven't got the heart for baseball"

See also: heart mettle nerve