Spritzer in a sentence as a noun

White and green tea and fruit spritzers are the only alternatives I've found that work for me...black tea just makes me crave sugar.

She thought sparkling wine was force carbonated like beer, or maybe just flat wine mixed with seltzer water like a wine spritzer.

In the Middle East, at least, you have the "bum gun," a spritzer with a nozzle on the end of a hose strategically placed next to the toilet.

50% isopropyl alcohol + 50% h2o, mix in a spritzer bottle and spray directly to a microfiber cloth.

Toss some powdered drink mix or syrup into a glass with mostly ice and water, call it something exotic like "Refreshing organic passion fruit spritzer" and charge $4 for it.

Spritzer definitions


a mixed drink made of wine mixed with a sparkling water