Spotted in a sentence as an adjective

I have spotted this totalitarian streak among some of my friends who went to med school.

And then someone they know and respect says "Gee, an HR person would have spotted that right away, why didn't you listen to them?

At that point, you'll understand the general theme of the code and you'll have spotted lots of interesting avenues to explore.

I had to put on my suit and dash away from the camp in the morning before I was spotted, I'd then change before coming back in the evening.

These systems can also do geofencing -- if a plate for a known sex offender is spotted within a certain distance of a school, they're busted.

High school bullies are typically quite good at restricting their bullying to times when they're unlikely to be spotted by an authority figure.

"Now, yes - somebody could erroneously change the test condition to make it pass, although hopefully that kind of change would be spotted by even a cursory code review.

They would have asked better questions about the due diligence and been more attentive to valuing the buyer -- valuation is what VC firms do -- and might have spotted the problems themselves.

Astronomers have spotted a cloud of gas with a mass about three times that of Earth that's on a trajectory that will have it pass close to Sgr A in 2013*If this is for real, I am ridiculously humbled by the power of modern astronomy.

And hey, at least now you know what it's like so it won't be so bad when you come back next week".I suppose he must have spotted the sort of mad murderous gleam that popped into my eye, because I doubt my mangled bleat of "whaaabastardfuhnextweekafuhcrazy" through nerveless lips was all that intelligible.

Spotted definitions


having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture); "a field patched with ice and snow"; "the wall had a spotty speckled effect"; "a black-and-white spotted cow"

See also: patched spotty